1 Timothy 4:1-3, Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead. They will say it is wrong to be married and wrong to eat certain foods...
Ever since the 60’s when sex, drugs and having children outside of marriage became popular, society has been declining. Children need a stable homelife and the love of both their parents. Those little ones have paid the price for their parent’s sins. The never learned to turn to God in their time of need or when they are hurting. Their grandparents may have been the only Godly influence they had growing up. Those forgotten and abused children have now grown up and had kids.
This younger generation has embraced lifestyles of sin, since that’s all they have ever known. Most of this generation do not even have Godly grandparents to influence them. Sin has reached its maturity. God can’t let this continue.
Matthew 24:12, Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.
The world is looking for love because many lacked it by the people who should have love them the most, their parents. They sleep with people to try and find some semblance of love. They will eat up little bits of affection and attention, even if it is hollow. The likes on their social media posts will make them feel accepted or desired. They will drink or use drugs to numb the pain. They never learned unselfish love. They bought into what the devil was selling. It's an all about me world.
One famous person said she putting her happiness first and prioritizing herself and this is why she is getting divorced. She is a mom of four children. She is walking in selfishness and is willing to uproot the lives of her children because she is not happy in her marriage. Malachi 2:16 says divorce “does violence to the one he should protect”. She does not feel loved because she is not seeking the one who is Love. 1 John 4:8, Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
Our marriage on earth is symbolic of our relationship with the Lord Jesus. Our covenant with Jesus is a marriage covenant. See my article called The Jewish Wedding and Jesus our Bridegroom. If you are willing to throw away your marriage instead of working on it and tear your kids lives apart, then you need to re-evaluate your relationship with God.
The only one who can fill that gaping whole in your heart, is the one who loves you unconditionally. His name is Jesus, and he died to save your life. He can fill your heart with love and heal your wounds. He is coming back to take his true love home. You already have his heart. The question is does he have yours?