Written by my Uncle


16 Sep 2020

The purpose of Bible prophecy is to bring us to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  It is a means to an end.  Nearly one third of the Bible is prophecy.  The Bible consists of 40 authors spanning over a 1500 year period and continues to remain accurate from the very beginning.  Reference John 13: 19; 14: 29, where Jesus said (KJV), “Now I tell you before it come, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he.”  Reference Revelation 19: 10, “…for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

Old Testament:

Genesis 1: 14.  “Signs in the sky” are used to advise, alert, or warn of biblical and prophetic events.

Genesis 3: 15.  The first prophecy in the Bible.  God is speaking to the serpent (Satan).  It is a reference to the virgin birth of Jesus (her seed), the crucifixion (bruise His heel), and the resurrection (bruise thy head).  Satan is a defeated foe from the beginning.  He knows he does not have much time left.  From the very beginning, he wanted to prevent the First and Second Coming of Jesus.  Satan believed Abel was the seed from which Jesus would descend.  That is why Satan gave Cain an evil countenance and he slew Abel.  However, Seth was the seed from which Jesus descended.

Genesis 12: 3.  I (God) will bless those that bless thee (Israel) and curse those that curse thee and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

Genesis 15: 18-21.  The nation of Israel will be given all the land promised to them in the Abrahamic Covenant.

Deuteronomy 30: 1-5.  The Jews will be regathered to their homeland after a great remnant is saved at the Second Coming of Jesus (ref. Zechariah 12: 10).

2nd Kings 21: 4, 2nd Chronicles 6: 6, 12: 13, 33: 7, Numbers 6: 27.  God puts His name on Jerusalem and the people of Israel FOREVER.  The Hebrew letter called the “Shin” means El Shaddai, which is a name of God used during the time of Job.  Job is the oldest Book in the Bible, possibly pre-dating Abraham.  The City of Jerusalem is in the shape of the Shin.  The Shin looks somewhat similar to the letter W and outlines the borders of Jerusalem and its 3 valleys, which is seeable from the sky above.  The Temple Mount is located on the middle part of the W.  The 3 points on the Shin is also said to symbolize God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.

Job 19: 25.  Jesus, our Redeemer, lives and He shall stand in the latter days upon the earth.

Psalm 2: 6-8.  When Jesus returns, He will reign from Mt. Zion over all the nations of the earth.

Psalm 83.  Countries want to eradicate Israel.  Some think Psalm 83 is a fulfilled prophecy of 2nd Chronicles 20.  They match perfectly.  Some believe it’s yet to be fulfilled, while others believe it is a recurring prophecy, e.g., Israel reborn on 14 May 1948 and the ensuing wars; the 6 Day War in June 1967; the Yom Kippur War in 1973, etc.  Regardless, God is faithful, true to His Word, and delivers Israel.  The Psalm 83 countries are not the Ezekiel Chapter 38 countries.  This Psalm deals with the bordering nations of Israel (currently Gaza/Hamas, Syria, Lebanon/Hezbollah, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt).  Also, the purpose of the invading Coalition in Ezekiel Chapter 38 is to take a spoil (oil and natural gas), not to destroy Israel, as in this Psalm.  Some believe Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 are Pre-Tribulation events that will usher in the antichrist by enforcing an old peace agreement (possibly the Oslo Accord Agreement during the time of President Clinton or President Trump’s Peace Plan that was released on Tuesday, 28 Jan 2020) which will be the start of the 7 year Tribulation (see Daniel 9:27).  Regardless of speculation, the antichrist will not be revealed until after the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, when the antichrist enforces that previous peace agreement.  There may be a time pause of up to several years between the Pre-Tribulation Rapture and the actual start of the Tribulation.

Psalm 87.  A prophecy about the New Jerusalem and the coming Kingdom of God.  We will be with Jesus when He reigns.  Reference Revelation 21: 27.

Psalm 88.  A prophetic and depressing Psalm that describes the feelings of Israel during the Tribulation.  There is always hope.  Prayer is evidence of faith and hope.

Psalm 110.  A prophetic Messianic Psalm written by David and the most quoted Psalm in the New Testament about the return and reign of Jesus during the Millennial Period.  He is Divine, King of Kings, and Priest that will rule and judge.

Isaiah 5: 20.  Woe to them that call evil good and good evil, putting darkness for light.

Isaiah 9: 6-7.  Jesus will be born and the government shall be upon His shoulder.  He will reign from David’s throne in Jerusalem and given a kingdom that will last FOREVER.

Isaiah Chapter 17 and Jeremiah 49: 2.  Damascus, Syria will be destroyed in a day and becomes a ruiness heap, which probably is the catalyst that starts the Ezekiel 38/39 Gog/Magog War.  Russia, Iran, and Turkey are already in Syria which aligns with Ezekiel 38 and poses a threat to Israel.  It just may be that Israel attacks and destroys Damascus, thereby causing the Russian/Iran led Coalition to invade and attack Israel.  On the brink of being fulfilled.

Isaiah 24: 21-23.  Jesus will occupy the throne of David when He returns to earth to reign from Mt. Zion in Jerusalem during the Millennial period.

Isaiah 27: 6.  A fulfilled prophecy that began on 14 May 1948 and continues today with Israel now being the third largest exporter of produce (fruit) to the world.

Isaiah 41: 18-23.  God will open rivers in the hills, fountains in the valleys, and dry land with springs of water within Israel.  Israel will plant trees and forests will grow at the hand of the Lord.  Prophecy fulfilled beginning on 14 May 1948 and continues today.  Prior to the rebirth of Israel on 14 May 1948, Israel was a barren wasteland.  V21-23 - God challenges the heathen gods to tell the future, but they can’t.  They are false gods.

Isaiah 46: 9-10.  God declares the end from the beginning.  He is God and there is no one else; none like Him.   

Isaiah 62: 1-7.  The Blessings of God during the Millennium will flow to the nations of the world through the Jewish people.

Isaiah 66: 8.  Israel will be reborn in a day.  Fulfilled 14 May 1948.

Jeremiah 3: 17.  Jerusalem will be the throne of the Lord during the Millennial Kingdom period.  This occurs after the 2nd Coming of Jesus toward the end of the 7 year Tribulation period.

Jeremiah 30: 7.  “The time of Jacob’s trouble” is a reference to the 7 year Tribulation.

Jeremiah 32: 37.  God brings back the Jews to Israel during a time of restoration.  This began happening on 14 May 1948 during the rebirth of Israel as a nation.  A fulfilled prophecy.

Ezekiel 11: 17.  God will gather the Jews from around the world from where they have been scattered and give them back the land of Israel.  This began to occur on 14 May 1948 during the rebirth of Israel as a nation.  A fulfilled prophecy.

Ezekiel 33: 1-9.  A Watchman’s Warning.  God appoints a Watchman unto Israel to hear His Word and provide a warning from God.  If the Watchman does not convey the warning and some are lost, then God will hold the Watchman responsible.  If people do not heed the Watchman’s warning, then the peril is upon themselves.

Ezekiel 37: 1-12; 21.  The Jews will return to their homeland of Israel.  Fulfilled 14 May 1948 and continues today.

Ezekiel Chapters 38 & 39.  Gog/Magog War.  A prophecy from over 2,500 years ago.  As of mid-Dec 2018, all the nations described in the Bible are lined up to form that coalition.  The countries comprising the coalition are Russia, Iran, Turkey, Ethiopia, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, Germany, and Afghanistan.  Syria is absent, but is probably the launching point in the north through which the coalition invades.  Also, against the wishes of Israeli PM Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu, President Trump announced plans to pull all US troops out of Syria by Feb 2019.  The US is absent in Bible prophecy.  Coincidence?  Perhaps the US is not in Bible prophecy because it has been raptured or destroyed.  38: 13 - Has thou come to take a spoil?  The spoil in the Bible refers to Israel’s huge resources of oil and natural gas that have been discovered in the past few years, as well as their Ports to the outside world.  God destroys the coalition by earthquake, friendly fire, overflowing rain and hail, fire and brimstone to show that He is Lord.  This prophecy is on the brink of being fulfilled.

Daniel Chapter 7.  Daniel’s vision of the Four Great Beasts which are four kings that shall arise out of the earth.  V10 refers to the Great White Throne judgment.  V14 - After the 2nd Coming, Jesus is given an everlasting dominion of earth, (V27) along with the Saints (the Raptured Church) that follow Him.  V19-21 refers to the fourth beast with ten horns in his head, which is the antichrist that wages war against the saints.  V23 - The fourth beast (the antichrist) will be the fourth kingdom upon earth and shall devour the whole earth.  V24 - The ten horns on the fourth beast represent the ten kings under the antichrist during the seven year Tribulation of which he shall subdue three of the kings and represent their kingdoms himself.

Daniel Chapter 8.  Daniel’s 2nd vision.  V23-25 talks about the rise and power of the antichrist and his standing up against Jesus, but will be broken.   V25 - While people are saying peace and security, sudden destruction will happen.  This is globally being said now for the Middle East, a precursor to Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38.

Daniel 9: 27.  The antichrist will confirm and enforce an existing peace agreement for seven years (Tribulation).  This confirmation event starts the beginning of the seven year Tribulation and reveals the identity of the antichrist.  The Church has already been Raptured.  Three and a half years in, the antichrist sets himself up as God in the rebuilt Holy Temple causing the Abomination of Desolation.  Jews then realize he’s a false messiah.  A small remnant of Jews seek refuge, some believe, in the Rock City of Petra, Jordan.  The existing peace agreement could be the Oslo Accords from 1992 reached between Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian Yassar Arafat, brokered by U.S. President Clinton.  PM Rabin was assassinated by a Vendetta Israeli Group.  Shimon Peres became the next Prime Minister and eventually defeated in elections by PM Benjamin Netanyahu.  Maybe the existing peace agreement is President Trump’s Peace Plan that was released on Tuesday, 28 January 2020.  Land for Peace deals violates Zechariah 12 and will not hold.  Secured by President Trump on 12 August 2020, Israel and the United Arab Emirates, as part of the Peace Plan, agreed to expand, accelerate, and cooperate together in the research for a treatment of the COVID19 coronavirus.  This is an effort to save Muslim, Jewish, and Christian lives.  This effort has already been referred to as the “Abraham Accord” because Abraham is considered to be the Father of Muslims, Jews, and Christians and provides potential for the uniformity of the three faiths.  The Trump Administration announced that in his vision for peace, President Trump recognized a new approach was needed for peace, security, and opportunity for the people of the Middle East.  Additionally, in concert with President Trump’s Peace Plan, on 17 August 2020 Israel has proposed land in an effort to obtain peace and security.  On Tuesday, 15 September 2020 Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed the Abraham Accord Peace Plan with Israel in Washington DC, hosted by President Trump.  Other Arab countries surrounding Israel are expected to follow in signing the Peace Plan.  Palestinians living inside Israel fired rockets into Israel in Protest, but were intercepted by the Israeli Defense System and destroyed.  Meanwhile, inside the US, Hurricane Sally hit the Gulf coast causing devastating damage, and 100 wildfires in the West continue to burn causing deaths and billions of dollars in damage.  Lawlessness, riots, and political division within the US continue.  The COVID-19 Pandemic continues.  All this is a fulfilling of Bible prophecy during the End Times of the Church Age.

Daniel Chapter 11.  The Middle East Campaign of the antichrist.   V31 - Abomination of Desolation.

Daniel 12: 4.  Shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end:  many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.  There is an ongoing knowledge explosion, particularly in technology and understanding of Bible prophecy.     

Joel 2: 28.  The Lord shall pour out His Spirit upon all flesh.  Young men shall prophecy and see visions; and old men shall dream dreams.  A prophecy being fulfilled now.

Joel 2: 30-31.  Four Blood Moons (2014-2015).  On 9/11/2015, Russia entered Syria.  Since then, Iran and Turkey have entered Syria, thereby coinciding toward the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38.

Joel Chapter 3.  The Battle of Armageddon; judgment upon Israel’s enemies.  V18 - Another fulfilled prophecy beginning on 14 May 1948 about Israel planting vineyards and exporting some of the best wine in the world.  The hills will flow with milk and the rivers shall flow with waters.  Prior to the rebirth of Israel on 14 May 1948, Israel was a barren wasteland.  Israel will dwell forever, Egypt will become desolate, and Edom will become a desolate wilderness for their violence against Israel. 

Amos 9: 11-15.  Raising up the Tabernacle of David and the restoration of Israel as a nation, the Jews will never be pulled out of their land again.  A fulfilled prophecy that began happening on 14 May 1948.

Nahum Chapter 1.  Our God is a jealous and powerful God.  He takes vengeance on His adversaries and reserves His wrath for His enemies.  The Lord is slow to anger and great in power.  He is good and a strong hold in the day of trouble.

Zechariah 8: 23.  During the Millennial period, the world will respect the Jewish people so much that when a Jew walks by, ten Gentiles will say, “Let us walk with you, for we know that God is with you.”

Zechariah 12: 1-3.  God will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone/a cup of trembling for all people round about, when they shall be in siege against both Judah (Israel) and Jerusalem.  This deals with the border stones of Jerusalem.  Jerusalem’s borders will become an intoxicating obsession of the world wanting to divide it.  This is a prophecy being fulfilled now.  God said all those seeking to divide Jerusalem will be cut into pieces.  Currently, the nations of the world also seek to divide Israel to find a peace agreement between the Palestinians and Israel, thereby brokering a land for peace deal.  It will not hold.  The land belongs to Israel as given to them by God Himself dating back to the Abrahamic Covenant in Genesis 15: 18-21.  The US is planned to release its land for peace deal devised by President Trump’s son-in-law Jarod Kushner sometime after the April 2, 2019 Israeli elections.  It’s been delayed due to political reasons in both Israel and America.  A third election is now scheduled in Israel for 02 Mar 2020 because PM Netanyahu was unable to form a government after the first 2 elections.  This is unprecedented in the history of Israel.  If President Trump does not release his peace plan, French President Macron says he will release his plan.  Is it a coincidence the US is currently so politically and morally divided along with natural disasters increasing in intensity and frequency?  Hardly!  This is exactly what the Bible said would happen.

Zechariah 12: 6.  This is a fulfilled prophecy as a result of the Six Day War in June 1967 about Israel recapturing and inhabiting Jerusalem.

Zechariah 12: 10.  A great remnant of the Jews will be saved in the end times at the 2nd Coming of Jesus when they repent and accept Him as their Messiah.

Zechariah 13: 8.  Two thirds of the Jews will die during the Tribulation.

Zechariah Chapter 14.  The Second Coming of Jesus upon the Mount of Olives, along with all the saints (Raptured Church) during an earthquake and the Battle of Armageddon.  Jesus will sit on the throne on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  He shall be King over all the earth.

Malachi 4: 5.  Elijah the prophet will come before the great and dreadful day of the Lord (2nd Coming).


New Testament:

Matthew 17: 11.  Elias (Elijah) shall come first to restore all things.

Matthew 23: 37-39.  Jesus stated He would not return to the earth to reign until the day when the Jewish people are willing to say, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”

Matthew Chapter 24.  End time signs as told by Jesus according to Matthew.  A cornerstone of End Time prophecies.  Wars and rumors of wars, nations rise against nations, famine, pestilence, and earthquakes.  These are the beginning of sorrows.  They are happening now.  Jesus also said in V34, the generation that sees these things, including Israel being reborn in a day (14 May 1948), will also see his return/the Rapture.  V15-16 - When the Abomination of Desolation is seen, flee to the mountains.  V21 - For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.  V22 - Except those days of the Great Tribulation be shortened, no flesh would be saved, but for the elect’s sake, those days shall be shortened.

Matthew Chapter 25.  V1-13 teaches about readiness in the parable of the ten virgins.  V14-30 teaches about stewardship in the parable of the three servants.  There is a reference to the Rapture in V10 and V13.  Also, in V31, Jesus refers to His 2nd Coming with all the holy angels with Him and sitting upon the throne of His glory.  V 32 - And before Him shall be gathered all nations (for judgment), like a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.  V34 refers to the righteous inheriting the kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world and V46 refers to everlasting punishment for the evil, but the righteous into life eternal.

Mark Chapter 13.  End time signs, abomination of desolation told by Daniel the prophet, and days of Affliction (Tribulation) shortened to save man as told by Jesus according to Mark.  V31 - Heaven and earth shall pass away, but God’s word shall not pass away.

Luke 1: 31-33.  God will give Jesus the throne of His father David, and He will reign over the house of Jacob FOREVER; and of His kingdom there will be NO END.  The throne of David is in Jerusalem (Psalm 122: 5) and He (Jesus) will allow believers to sit with Him on His throne just as His Father (God) has allowed Him to share His throne in heaven (Revelation 3: 21).  The “house of Jacob” is not the Church.  This is an Old Testament term for the children of Israel (Exodus 19: 3).  The Church is never referred to in Scripture as the house of Jacob.

Luke Chapter 12.  Be watchful and wait for the Lord’s return.  V40 - Jesus returns at an hour we know not.

Luke 17: 26-30.  As in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man (Jesus); (V30) when He is revealed.  This is a reference to the End Times as we know it and the return of Jesus.  At such time, there will be an increase in evil and wickedness as in the times of Noah.  V27 - People will eat, drink, and marry and be destroyed as when the flood came.  V28-29 - Likewise, as in the days of Lot when it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all because they became evil, wicked, and perverse.

Luke 18: 7-8.  God will avenge and vindicate His elect who cry out to Him day and night. 

Luke Chapter 21.  End Time signs as told by Jesus according to Luke.  V24 - “…and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”  The June 1967 Six Day War is a fulfillment of this prophecy when Jerusalem came back under the control of the Jews from the Gentiles.  V26 - People will suffer heart failure from fear for looking after those things which are coming upon the earth.  V27 - “And then shall they see the Son of man Coming in a cloud with power and great glory.”  A reference to the 2nd Coming.  V28 - When you see these things BEGIN to pass, look up, rejoice, your redemption draweth nigh.  They have begun and are on-going.  V31 - The kingdom of God is near at hand.  V36 - Pray that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man.

Luke 22: 18,  Jesus said He will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.  He states this during the Last Supper and it is a direct reference to the Rapture and the wedding feast of the Lamb (Jesus) with the raptured Church.

John 3: 16.  Jesus said (KJV), “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 14: 6.  Jesus said (KJV), “I am the way, the truth, and the life:  no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

John 14: 29.  Jesus prophesies so that when it comes to pass, we will believe in Him.

Acts 2: 16-21.  Once again, the Lord shall pour out His Spirit upon all flesh.  Young men shall prophecy and see visions; and old men shall dream dreams.  World-wide revival is occurring now.  More Arabs are converting from Islam to Christianity, even in Iran, than ever before in history.  Messianic Jews (Jews who believe in Jesus) are growing in large numbers.  A prerequisite of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.

Romans Chapters 9 through 11.  The Apostle Paul makes it crystal clear that God has not washed His hands of the Jewish people and the (Gentile) Church has not replaced Israel.  Paul talks about God showing mercy as He wills, Israel’s rejection of Christ, preaching to a disobedient people, the remaining remnant, new branches (the Gentiles) being grafted into Israel, God’s covenant to Israel, and glory to God.  Romans 11:25 refers to when the last Gentile is saved.  Then the Rapture shall happen.

Romans 9: 3-5.  The Apostle Paul affirms that God still has a relationship with Israel and has not negated His promises to them.

1st Corinthians Chapter 15.  Resurrection witnessed, defended, and explained.  Victory over death.  Explains physical vs. spiritual, celestial vs. terrestrial, and earthly to the heavenly.  Being born again (spiritually).  Evolution; referring to different types of flesh.

Colossians 1: 18.  Jesus is the Head of the Body, having preeminence (describing the Church with Him as the Head and us (the saints, his followers), as the body).

1st Thessalonians 1: 10.  Wait for Jesus from heaven, who delivered us from the wrath to come.  This is a Rapture reference indicating we are spared from the upcoming Tribulation.

1st Thessalonians 5: 2.  The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, referring to the rapture that it will happen suddenly and unexpectedly to those not watching.

1st Thessalonians 5: 3.  While people are saying peace and security, then sudden destruction will come upon “them” suddenly like birth pangs upon a woman with child, and “they” shall not escape.  “Them” and “they” being non-believers and unaware of God’s word.

1st Thessalonians 5: 4-5.  A crucial verse stating that “believers” are not in darkness that the day should overtake you like a thief in the night, for you are children of light and children of the day.  As believers, “We” are not of the night, nor of darkness.  “We,” as believers and watching for the Lord’s return, will know the season of His return.  The season is now and it can happen at any time.

1st Thessalonians 5: 9-23.  V9-11 - Be encouraged, we are spared the Tribulation.  V9 and V23 are Rapture references.

2nd Thessalonians 2: 1-4.  Don’t be troubled, comfort one another, be thankful, because the day of the Lord (day of God’s wrath upon the earth; the beginning of the 7 year Tribulation) shall NOT come, except there come a falling away (Rapture) FIRST.  The antichrist will then be revealed.  The antichrist exalts himself above all and sets himself up in the rebuilt Holy Temple declaring himself to be God.  (Hint - He’s probably not a muslim.)

2nd Thessalonians 2: 5-8.  The Holy Spirit, who acted as the Restrainer, will then be taken out of the way.  The Holy Spirit resides in us and once the Rapture occurs the Holy Spirit will be taken out of the way and Satan will be free to act as he pleases.  All hell will break loose on the earth during this time of the Tribulation.  Iniquity (lawlessness) will abound and the love of many will grow cold (a reference to Matthew 24: 12).

2nd Thessalonians 2: 9-12.  Satan displays all power, signs, and lying wonders and the unrighteous will be deceived and believe Satan’s lies.  Because the unrighteous rejected Jesus (who is the way, the truth, and the life), God will send a powerful delusion so the wicked will be deceived and believe Satan’s lies.  The wicked will be condemned because they rejected the truth.  With their hearts already hardened because they turned against God, He will turn them over to their own wickedness (a depraved mind), inventing ways to do evil with no understanding, love, or mercy.

1st Timothy 4: 1-3.  In the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits (demons), and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy and having seared consciences, forbidding others to marry and commanding others to abstain from eating meats.

2nd Timothy 3: 1-4.  Nineteen prevailing characteristics during the End Times as we know it.

2nd Timothy 4: 2-5.  During the End Times people will not endure the sound doctrine of God’s Word.  They will turn away from the Truth and will only listen to what they want to hear.  Many (feel good) churches will adapt and not preach the true Word of God, but only what the people want to hear.

Titus 2: 11-15.  What to do during the End Times to be ready for the rapture:  live soberly, righteously, and godly, looking for the Rapture (Blessed Hope).  Deny ungodliness and worldly lusts.  Bible prophecy is not just for informational purposes, but also for our transformation and motivation toward godliness.  Now is the time to keep God close and develop a relationship with Him through Christ.  If you are not willing to live for Christ before the Tribulation, what makes you think you are willing to die for Christ during the Tribulation?  The time to choose will soon be over.

Hebrews 10: 25.  Referring to the return of Jesus and the subsequent judgment in V27, we are to encourage one another as we see the day approaching.  We are warned in V31 that it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God for those who willfully sin after receiving knowledge of the truth and have trodden underfoot the Son of God.

2nd Peter 1: 19-21.  Prophecy is completely reliable as it is unto a light that shineth in a dark place, not told by the will of men, but as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

2nd Peter 3: 3-13.  During the last days there will be scoffers (mockers of God’s Word and prophecy), walking after their own lusts, following their own evil desires.  FYI:  God shall not be mocked.  Don’t become too comfortable in this world.  It’s not home.  Being with the Lord in heaven is our home.  Life is hard, but God is good!  Some prophecies and events are then listed.  V9 - The Lord is longsuffering, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

1st John 2: 15-18.  Don’t love the things of this world.  It is spiritual adultery.  Love the Father (God), not the world.  The antichrist shall come. 


Revelation Notes and General Outline:

Revelation is the testimony of Jesus Christ which God gave unto Him and conveyed to the Apostle John.  John was about 84 years old at the time and was exiled on the Isle of Patmos, which is about 6 miles by 10 miles in size.  Blessed are those that readeth, and they that hear and keepeth the sayings and prophecy of the Book of Revelations (Revelation 1: 3, 22: 7).

Revelation Chapters 1 - 3.  Are during the Pre-Rapture period dealing with the past and present.  The Church is mentioned nineteen times during these first three Chapters since it has not yet been Raptured.  Chapter 1: 19 is referred to as the “Divine Outline” of the Book of Revelation because John has been raptured up and Jesus tells him to write down the past, present, and future.  Messages are conveyed to the 7 Churches during that time located in Asia, now known as the general area of modern day Turkey.  The messages are relevant today as were during that time.

Revelation 3: 10.  God will take the Church out (Rapture) prior to the Tribulation (God will keep thee from the hour of temptation), which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.

Revelation Chapters  4 - 5.  Chapter 4: 1 is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, also known as the “Blessed Hope”.  Chapters 4 and 5 are during the time of the Rapture.  Chapter 5: 8 mentions the 24 Elders which represent the Church that has been raptured.  V10 - The Raptured Church will be kings and priests unto God and shall reign on the earth after the 2nd Coming of Christ during the Millennial Kingdom Age.  V11-14 - Worthy is the Lamb to receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing forever and ever.

Revelation Chapters 6  - 19.  These Chapters occur during the period of the 7 year Tribulation.  The Church is not mentioned because it has been raptured.  The purpose of the Tribulation is for the salvation of Israel.  The 4 Horses of the Apocalypse are discussed.  There will be evil and destruction upon the entire earth.  One fourth of the world’s population (2 billion people) will be annihilated during the first 3.5 years of the 7 year Tribulation.  Unless these days be shortened (limited to a 7 year period), all mankind will be destroyed.  The beast (Chapter 11) is the antichrist and the dragon (Chapter 12) is Satan.  The false prophet represents the one world religious leader (Chapter 16).  The great eagle (Chapter 12) represents God.

Revelation Chapter 6.  Discusses the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse and the 7 Seals on the Book held by Jesus, who is the only one worthy to open the seals on the Book.  The first 6 Seals are opened by Jesus.  One interpretation on the color and meaning of the 4 horses is:  White Horse represents the antichrist; Red Horse represents War; Black Horse represents Famine; Pale (light green) Horse represents Death.

Revelation Chapter 7.  Twelve thousand people are sealed from each tribe of Israel, totaling 144,000.

Revelation Chapter 11.  The Prophecy of the Two Witnesses.  The 2 Witnesses are believed to be Elijah and Enoch.  Some think it might be Moses instead of Enoch.  However, Moses already died a physical death and Elijah and Enoch have not.  They were raptured up.  The 2 Witnesses are killed and their bodies lie in the streets of Jerusalem for 3.5 days for all the world to see.  They are then resurrected by God and ascend into Heaven in a cloud while their enemies watch.

Revelation Chapter 12.  The Sign in the Sky fulfilled 23 Sep 2017.  Spiritual warfare in Heaven.  Michael and his angels fought against Satan and his angels and cast them out of Heaven and into the earth.  Knowing that his time is short, Satan has come with great wrath deceiving the whole world.  His purpose is to rob, kill, and destroy.  Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and sea.   

Revelation Chapter 13.  One world economy, government, and religion controlled by the antichrist is set into place.  Crypto currency may very well be the global currency used during this time.  The Beast of the Sea with 7 Heads and 10 Horns represents the antichrist rising up.  The 10 horns represent 10 Kingdoms/countries of which the antichrist is the Head of 3 of the Kingdoms and the other 7 Kingdoms are headed by other leaders that report to the antichrist.  V3 - The antichrist receives a deadly wound, but he heals and lives.  Power was given unto him, the antichrist, for another 3.5 years, which is the second half of the Tribulation, known as the Great Tribulation.  The Abomination of Desolation occurs starting in V14.  The antichrist sets himself up with his image in the rebuilt Holy Temple and claims to be God and demands to be worshipped.  V16 - People are forced to take the ‘Mark of the Beast’ in their right hand or in their forehead; or be beheaded (V17) in order to buy or sell.  V18 - The number of the name of the antichrist is 666. 

Is it a coincidence that the French President Emmanuel Macron is currently trying to form a 10 nation coalition in Europe to defend Europe from Russia, China, and the US?  The name Emmanuel means “God with Us”!  He is on the watch list as a candidate for the antichrist.

Revelation Chapter 14.  144,000, being the first-fruits unto God and Jesus (the Lamb), redeemed from the earth with the Lamb are singing before the throne.  V7 - Fear God, and give glory to Him for the hour of judgment arrives.  Babylon (Rome) falls.  V14-20 - The ripe harvest of the earth is cast into the great winepress of the wrath of God.

Revelation Chapter 15.  Deals with 7 angels holding 7 vials with the last 7 plagues filled with the wrath of God to be poured out upon the earth and the Tabernacle of the Testimony in heaven.

Revelation Chapter 16.  The 7 vials of God’s wrath are poured out upon the earth by the 7 angels.

Revelation Chapter 17.  The location of Mystery Babylon is Rome and the Great Harlot is the one World Religion set up by the antichrist that is centered in Rome.

Revelation Chapter 18.  About the Empire of Babylon being fallen, thrown down, it’s iniquities, and destruction.

Revelation 19: 9-10.  The Marriage Supper of the Lamb will be ongoing with the Raptured Church in Heaven during the time of the 7 year Tribulation.

Revelation 19: 11-21.  Occurs at the time of the 2nd Coming of Jesus.  V15 - Jesus, out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations, and He shall rule them with a rod of iron.  He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.  V19-21 is the Battle of Armageddon.  V20 - The antichrist and false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire.

Revelation Chapter 20.  Satan is bound for a thousand years (Millennial Kingdom Age) and then loosed for a little while.  The nations are deceived and the 2nd Gog/Magog War occurs, the number of whom is as the sands of the sea.  Fire comes down from God out of heaven and devours them.  Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire where the beast (antichrist) and false prophet are and tormented forever.

Revelation Chapter 21.  The New Heaven and Earth are set in place by God.  The first Heaven and Earth have passed away.  The New Jerusalem descends from Heaven to Earth.  There is no more sea.  God Himself will dwell with men and be their God.  There will be no more death, tears, sorrow, crying, or pain for these have all passed away.

Revelation Chapter 22.  Is during the time of the New Heaven and Earth.  V7 - Behold, I (Jesus, the Bright and Morning Star) come quickly (like a thief in the night) is a reference to the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, a meeting in the air where Jesus comes for his bride, the Church.  The 2nd Coming happens after the 7 year Tribulation.  There are numerous references throughout the Bible to the Pre-Tribulation Rapture.  Maranatha!


Breakout of End Time Wars (as preached by Evangelist Pastor (Dr.) David Reagan of Lion and Lamb Ministries:

First War of Gog/Magog (Ezekiel 38 and 39).

The War of Extermination (Psalm 83).

The Conventional War of the Tribulation (Revelation 6).

The Nuclear War of the Tribulation (Revelation 8 and 9).

The War in the Heavens (Revelation 12).

The War against the Jews and the Saints (Revelation12).

The Middle East Campaign of the antichrist (Daniel 11).

The Battle of Armageddon (Joel 3, Zechariah 14, Revelation 19).

Second Battle of Gog/Magog (Revelation 20).


A Possible/Probable Sequence of Events:

Pre-Tribulation Rapture (Revelation 4: 1).

Judgment (Bema) Seat of Christ for believers and the Raptured Church (Matthew 16: 27).  Five Heavenly Crowns are mentioned in the Bible:

1.      Crown of Life (James 1: 12, Revelation 2: 10 - For enduring temptation and being faithful).
2.      Crown of Glory (1st Peter 5: 4 - For Pastors and Elders).
3.      Crown of Righteousness (2nd Timothy 4: 8 - For the Righteous).
4.      Crown for Soul Winners, also known as the Crown of Exultation or Rejoicing (1st                            Thessalonians 2: 19, Philippians 4: 1 - For Evangelists).
5.      Crown for Martyrs, also known as the Crown of Incorruptible or Imperishable (1st                           Corinthians 9: 25 - For those slain for their steadfast belief).

Tribulation (4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Vials, (Revelation 6 - 19)).  The Marriage Supper of the Lamb will be ongoing with the Raptured Church in Heaven during the time of the 7 year Tribulation (Revelation 19: 9-10).  Again, the purpose of the Tribulation is for the Salvation of Israel.

Second Coming of Jesus, the righteous judge, along with the return of the Raptured Church (Revelation 19: 11-18).  Jesus will return in like manner as He left.  He will descend from the clouds upon the Mount of Olives, walk across the Kidron Valley to the Temple of the Mount.  There will be a huge earthquake at the time of His return.

Armageddon (Joel 3, Zechariah 14, Revelation 19: 19-21).

Judgment of Nations (Matthew 25: 32-46).

Millennial Reign (Kingdom Age) of Christ (Revelation 20).

Second Battle of Gog/Magog (Revelation 20: 7-10).

Great White Throne Judgment.  The evil are judged and cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20: 14).

New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21).


The Seven Feasts.  The Seven Feasts in Leviticus 23 of the Old Testament celebrated by the Jews point to both the fulfilled prophecies of the Spring Feasts and the still unfulfilled prophecies of the Fall Harvest Feasts:

1.      Passover:  Blood of a sacrificial lamb on doorposts.  (Crucifixion of Jesus).
2.      Unleavened Bread:  Exodus from Egypt.  No time for the bread to rise. (Burial of Jesus).
3.      First Fruits:  Israel passing through the Red Sea.  (Resurrection of Jesus).
4.      Pentecost:  Israel receives the Torah at Mt. Sinai. (The body of the Church is conceived).
5.      Trumpets:  The sounding of trumpets/release from prison.  (Rapture of the Church).
6.      Atonement:  Judgment of the righteous and wicked.  (2nd Coming of Jesus).
7.      Tabernacles:  Provision in the wilderness.  (Sets up the Millennial Kingdom).   


Rapture Verses:

Matthew 25: 10, 13.  John 14: 1-3.  Romans 8: 19.  1st Corinthians 1: 7-8; 15: 51-53; 16: 22.  Philippians 3: 20-21; 4: 5.  Colossians 3: 4.  1st Thessalonians 1: 10; 2: 19; 4: 13-18; 5: 9, 23.  2nd Thessalonians 2: 1, 3.  1st Timothy 6: 14.  2nd Timothy 4:  1, 8.  Titus 2: 13.  Hebrews 9: 28.  James 5: 7-9.  1st Peter 1: 7, 13; 5: 4.  1st John 2: 28; 3: 2.  Jude 21.  Revelation 2: 25; 3: 10; 16: 15;  22: 7, 12, 20.


Second Coming Verses:

Daniel 2: 44-45; 7: 9-14; 12: 1-3.  Zechariah 12: 10; 14: 1-15Matthew 13: 41; 16: 27; 24: 15-31; 25: 31; 26: 64.  Mark 13: 14-27; 14: 62.  Luke 21: 25-28.  Acts 1: 9-11; 3: 19-21.  1st Thessalonians 3: 13.  2nd Thessalonians 1: 6-10; 2: 8.  1st Peter 4: 12-13.  2nd Peter 3: 1-14.  Jude 14-15.  Revelation 1: 7; 19: 11; 20: 6.

Note:  The most descriptive Rapture and Second Coming Bible verses above, taken in full context with their Chapters, are underlined.