Summary - UFO and Alien

I believe UFO’s, aliens, and even the apparitions of Mary are demonic manifestations.  Jesus says it will be like the days of Noah in the end times (Matthew 24:37).  In the days of Noah fallen angels took on the form of a man and came down on the earth.  Demons interacted with mankind and in their human form and had sex with woman, who produced what is known as Nephilim.  In the future they may interact with humans in alien form.  The Bible speaks about a great delusion and deceptions that will occur in the last days (2 Thessalonians 2:11). UFO’s and aliens may be one of the things Satan uses to deceive the nations and explain away the rapture as alien abductions. 

The Bible does not say what the strong delusion will be.  These are my reasons why I think fallen angels (demons) may take on different forms and appearances of beings such as aliens and the blessed mother Mary.

  • Angels are able to transform themselves and appear like regular men (Hebrews 13:2, Genesis 6 & 19).  
  • Fallen angels (demons) can transform themselves into angels of light (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). 
  • Fallen angels can appear as frogs (Revelation 16:13).  
  • The locusts coming out of the abyss in Revelation 9 are most likely demons.  
  • The devil can take on the form of a serpent (Gen 3, Rev 20:2 & 12:9).  

·       I believe it is highly possible that demons may also take on the form of aliens.  Luke 21:11, …and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. 

Quotes from many of the Marion apparitions have been contradictory to the Bible!  Watch on YouTube - Messages from Heaven by Jim Tetlow.  He discusses these apparitions.

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