UFO's & Apparitions of Mary

For information on how UFO's and Marion Apparitions may play a key part in the End Times click the link 🠝.

Apparitions of Mary 
The possible roll "Mary" may play in the End Times.
This is a book I highly recommend.  Messages from Heaven by Jim Tetlow.  It tests the messages from different apparitions of Mary in the light of scripture.  Click HERE for a PDF version of the book.   
If you prefer to watch an abbreviated version of the book on video  Click HERE.

The Bible and UFO’s
A really good nine minute video from Bill Wiese. Click HERE

My Blog Post
UFO's & Aliens, Connection to the Demonic? Click HERE for my blog post.

Got Questions
Could an Alien Deception be part of the End Times?  Click HERE

For more topics on the End Times click HERE.

False Religions

False religions have roots in the truth.  Counterfeit money is based off the real thing.  The goal is to make money look like a real bill so that no one will notice it holds no value.  The devil takes the truth and twists it just a little.  It's like a frog in pot of water.  The frog does not notice the water slowly getting hot.  As the pot heats up the frog does not jump out of the pot.  He adjusts to the slowly heated water until he is dead.  Satan will take the truth and twist it.  Once people are used to it, he twists it again.  Soon people are now following a completely different gospel and will end up spiritually dead. 

Mormonism and Jehovah Witnesses are professing Christian religions that if you believe the essence of their doctrine, you are not saved!  The Catholic church also has major flaws.  I find that there are a wide range of Catholics.  Some Catholic churches have the main doctrine of salvation preached with idolatry and false teachings mixed in, and others have lost the gospel entirely.  I believe the Catholic church is Mystery Babylon.  See my End Times page for more information on Mystery Babylon.  I think being a Catholic puts a big hurdle between a person and salvation.  There are Catholics who are able to get over the hurdle and see the true gospel, but there are many that are not able to.  The only way to prevent falling for a false gospel is to actually read the gospel.  When you know the Word of God and a false doctrine is presented to you, you will recognize it as a counterfeit.  Their is value in the real thing.  

John 14:6, Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

It won't be long

Sometime soon Jesus will gather his people. The rapture of the church is the blessed hope Christians have been waiting for since Jesus assended up to heaven (Titus 2:13). There were many end time prophecies that went unfulfilled until May 14th 1948 (Isaiah 66:8). 1948 was a pivital year and prophecies started coming to pass. The world stage is being set and the tribulation is around the corner. The generation that will see the return of Jesus are those who were born in 1948. We are at the end of that generation. The fulfillment of Bible prophecy is increasing by the day. For a list of some these, see the End Times page. Jesus will gather his people before his wrath is poured out on a world that embraces evil. If you see the evil in the world and want nothing to do with it, Jesus is who you need. Jesus is the essence of Love.  1 John 4:8, Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. See 1 Corinthians 13 for a description on what love is.  

Only those who belong to Jesus will be removed before the tribulation.  It's not a head knowlege of Jesus that saves you but it's a trusting relationship with him.  He can be trusted.  He does not lie.  The one who adores you, who created you, who made you special in his eyes, desires for you to talk to him.  Spend time with God by reading his Word and praying.  Jesus loved us so much that he went through the most excruciating pain of the cross to keep us out of hell and within his loving embrace.  May you feel just a little bit of his enormous love for you as you draw closer to him.  

The Apparitions of Mary

The Catholic church hold the apparitions of Mary in high regard. I strongly believe these Marion apparitions are demonic manifestations. They have been contrary to the Word of God and may be part of the end times deception.

The devil can appear as an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:14, And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

Multiple religions were started when someone had a vision from an angel who disclosed to them "new revelations". I don't believe these visions were a figment of their imaginations. I believe they were real and powerful. Satan is real and want's to lead people astray into false doctrines.

I believe manifestations will increase in number as we get closer to the tribulation. Because many people believe miracles are from God, they don't question the source of those miracles. Miracles can be very convincing to get someone to follow a false teaching. People are convinced the apparitions of Mary are from God, because healing miracles are occur.

I believe the devil will make it look like there was a resurrection of the antichrist. This will cause many to believe this man is from God, when in fact he is from Satan. 
Revelation 13:12, And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

People are seeking healings from Mary and the saints, when you should only be seeking these things from God. People are praying to her instead of God. When you pray to Mary you are giving her God-like qualities and that is idolatry. She can not hear anyone's prayers because she is not Omni-present. The devil wants continue to cause people to seek after someone other than God, and he is using Mary. 

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason, God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.

As we can see miracles are not just performed by God. Here are other examples in the Bible where the devil taps into the supernatural.
  • Exodus 8:7, Pharaoh’s wise men preformed a lot of the same signs Moses and Aaron were able to do through God. They called up Frogs.
  • Exodus 7:21-22, the wise men turned water into blood.
  • Exodus 7:11-12, Aaron threw his staff down and it turned into a snake. Pharaoh’s men threw down their staffs and they turned into snakes. Aaron’s snake swallowed up the wise men’s snakes. Satan will imitate God and his miracles but Jesus is always more powerful.
  • Matthew 7:22, people who don’t know the Lord can prophecy, cast out demons and perform miracles.
  • Matthew 24:24, false Christs and prophets can perform great signs and wonders that even believers could possibly fall for.
  • Revelation 13:13-14, The False prophet will make fire come down from heaven. He will deceive those who dwell on the earth by signs.
  • Revelation 13:2-4, the devil has a throne, power and great authority, and he uses it.
  • Revelation 16:14, the Bible says demon spirits perform signs.

Mary from the apparitions is telling people to make an alter to her and says she is coming back. The real Mary always pointed to Jesus, never to herself.  Don’t follow these!

I highly recommend the book Messages from Heaven by Jim Tetlow. He discusses the messages given by Mary in the apparitions, and how they do not align with the Bible.