UFO's and Aliens
We have been hearing a lot of news about UFO’s lately. I personally believe UFO’s and aliens are demonic manifestations. Demons can take on the appearance of many different beings. I believe it is highly possible that they can take on the form of aliens. The Bible speaks about a great delusion and deceptions that will occur in the last days. UFO’s and aliens may be one of the things Satan uses to deceive the nations. It may be what the devil uses to explain away the rapture. They could say many were abducted by aliens. The Bible does not say what the strong delusion is but here are my reasons on why I think fallen angels (demons) may take on the form of aliens in the last days.
- Angels are able to transform themselves and appear like regular men (Heb 13:2, Gen 6 & 19).
- Fallen angels (demons) can transform themselves into angels of light (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).
- Fallen angels can appear as frogs (Revelation 16:13).
- It is not clear but some scholars believe the locusts coming out of the abyss in Rev 9 are demons.
- The devil can take on the form of a serpent (Genesis 3 & Revelation 20:2 & 12:9).
I am not alone in the belief that an alien deception may play apart in the end times. There are a number of ministries that are thinking the same thing. No one knows for sure what the strong delusion the Bible speaks of may be, but many are very suspicious that UFO's and aliens may play a part of the delusion.
Luke 21:11,... and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.
2 Thessalonians 2:11, The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. There for God sends them a strong delusion...
Jesus says it will be like the days of Noah in the end times (Matthew 24:37). What happened in the days of Noah? Fallen angels took on the form of a man and came down on the earth. They interacted with mankind and in their human form the demons had children with women on the earth. They produced a bread of giants on the earth called Nephilim. Goliath from the story David and Goliath was one of those Nephilim. Nathan Jones from the ministry Christ in Prophecy also believes UFO's and aliens could be apart of the end times deception. Click HERE for a video of him talking with another pastor about the Nephilim. They don't talk about UFO's but only the Nephilim in this video.
This is all speculation because the Bible is not specific on what the strong delusion is or what the great signs from heaven are. I think UFO's and aliens are a definite possibility for a strong delusion that could lead many away from God.
Click HERE for Got Question's belief on the topic. This is a great ministry for any of your biblical questions.
Click HERE for Compelling Truth's belief on the topic.
Click HERE for a really good nine minute video from Bill Wiese titled the Bible and UFO's.