It won't be long

Sometime soon Jesus will gather his people. The rapture of the church is the blessed hope Christians have been waiting for since Jesus assended up to heaven (Titus 2:13). There were many end time prophecies that went unfulfilled until May 14th 1948 (Isaiah 66:8). 1948 was a pivital year and prophecies started coming to pass. The world stage is being set and the tribulation is around the corner. The generation that will see the return of Jesus are those who were born in 1948. We are at the end of that generation. The fulfillment of Bible prophecy is increasing by the day. For a list of some these, see the End Times page. Jesus will gather his people before his wrath is poured out on a world that embraces evil. If you see the evil in the world and want nothing to do with it, Jesus is who you need. Jesus is the essence of Love.  1 John 4:8, Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. See 1 Corinthians 13 for a description on what love is.  

Only those who belong to Jesus will be removed before the tribulation.  It's not a head knowlege of Jesus that saves you but it's a trusting relationship with him.  He can be trusted.  He does not lie.  The one who adores you, who created you, who made you special in his eyes, desires for you to talk to him.  Spend time with God by reading his Word and praying.  Jesus loved us so much that he went through the most excruciating pain of the cross to keep us out of hell and within his loving embrace.  May you feel just a little bit of his enormous love for you as you draw closer to him.